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“I know about you and Lindsey,” Wood repeats. “You are supporting Chinese pornography,” McKissick replies. “I know about you and Lindsey,” Wood says. Graham, a life-long bachelor who has repeatedly denied he’s a closeted gay man. Wood appears to threaten McKissick with an explosive rumor about Sen.

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Now finishing his second term, McKissick leads a party that last year expanded its grip on the Legislature, won back a congressional seat and helped Graham win a fourth term.Ī video clip obtained by PatriotTakes shows Wood confronting McKissick at a meeting in Hampton County, South Carolina on Monday. Wood is challenging incumbent Drew McKissick for the chairmanship of South Carolina’s Republican Party. Lin Wood, a pro-Trump Georgia attorney who falsely insists Trump won November’s election, was caught on camera this week threatening South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Drew McKissick to “get out of the race” or he would be forced to reveal what he knows about his relationship with Sen.

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